FBTXXI- Family Business Training For XXIst Century

FBTXXI- Family Business Training For XXIst Century

Research program: Leonardo Da Vinci

Start date: 2000 - End date: 2003

Short description

Development of a training program for Family Businesses

The project sought to promote the preservation of the small and medium-sized family business as an essential part of improving international competitiveness in generating growth and in creating employment. It focused on further promoting the potential of family businesses within, in particular, the participating countries of the wider Europe. The most innovative feature of this Internet-based learning program was the fact that it was interactive. By participating in the program, the user had the ability to develop and continue to develop his/her knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of family business through access to a virtual learning space. In addition to being able to retrieve and download customized training materials, the user was able to establish dialogue through interaction with the trainer(s) and fellow trainees. This was achieved through three facilities: electronic mail, discussion forum and on-line debating space. 

You may download the Results of the European Report here


  • London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UK)
  • Informaçao Sistemas e Desenvolvimento (Portugal)
  • Instituto de Empresa (Spain)
  • Cyprus Chamber of Commerce
  • ALBA Graduate Business School (EL)
  • Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo (Italy)
  • BDO Stoy Hayward (UK)

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